East Parish Bulletin 3.27.2022
We hope you join us for worship this Sunday, March 27, 2022 for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. This week is also UMCOR Sunday where we collect monies to support the Committee on Relief, part of the United Methodist Church Mission. The fourth Lenten Bible Study Class will take place after worship in the Rose Room. Given the decline in Covid over the past few weeks, we have made the decision to continue social distancing but leave the mask decision up to individual preference. After worship fellowship hour remains suspended. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
East Parish 3/20/22
We hope you join us for worship this Sunday, March 20 , 2022 for the Third Sunday in Lent. The third Lenten Bible Study Class will take place after worship in the Rose Room. Given the decline in Covid over the past few weeks, we have made the decision to continue social distancing but leave the mask decision up to individual preference. After worship fellowship hour remains suspended. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
East Parish 3.13.22
We hope you join us for worship this Sunday, March 13 , 2022 for the Second Sunday in Lent. Given the decline in Covid over the past few weeks, we have made the decision to continue social distancing but leave the mask decision up to individual preference. After worship fellowship hour remains suspended. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
East Parish Bulletin 3.6.22
We hope you join us for worship this Sunday, March 6, 2022 for Stewardship Sunday — where you will hear about how you could lend your time and talents to work for the good of the church. Given the decline in Covid over the past few weeks, we have made the decision to continue social distancing but leave the mask decision up to individual preference. After worship fellowship hour remains suspended. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
East Parish Bulletin 2.27.22
We hope you join us for worship this Sunday, February 27, 2022. We are in person but continue to mask and use social distancing until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC 2.20.22
We hope you join us for worship this Sunday, February 20, 2022. We are in person but continue to mask and use social distancing until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
East Parish UMC Bulletin 2.13.22
Join us for worship this Sunday, February 13th online or in person. We have returned to masks and distancing during the near future, until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/ 2.6.22.pdf
EPUMC 2.6.22 Bulletin
Join us on Sunday, February 6th for Communion Sunday with our guest preacher, the Rev. Ken Roughton. We have returned to masks and distancing during the near future, until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC 1.23.22
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, January 23rd at 10:00 am. AND don’t forget, next week is the 5th Sunday ~ HYMN SING! We have returned to masks and distancing during the near future, until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC January 16, 2022
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, January 16th at 10:00 am. We have returned to masks and distancing during the near future, until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
Communion Sunday – January 2, 2022
We hope you will join us for Worship this Communion Sunday, January 2nd at 10:00 am. We will be returning to masks and distancing during the near future, until infection rates decrease. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
December 26 Service of Lessons and Carols
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we celebrate.the service of “Lessons and Carols”. We will be returning to masks and distancing during the near future, until infection rates decrease. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
Fourth Sunday of Advent – 12.19.21
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the lighting of the candle of Love. Due to the increase of COVID, there will be an online pastoral reflection on Christmas Eve. The service of “Lessons and Carols” will take place at 10:00 am on Sunday, December 26th, we hope to see you there. Please let Debbie Choate or the pastor know if you are interested in taking a short reading during this service. We will also be returning to masks and distancing during the near future, until infection rates decrease. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
Third Sunday of Advent 12/12/21
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent and the lighting of the candle of Joy. Please also join us downstairs in the Rose Room after worship for a light lunch, fellowship and conversation. A Christmas Eve service of “Lessons and Carols” will take place at 5:00 pm on Friday, December 24th, we hope to see you there as we return to this annual tradition. Please let the office or the pastor know if you are interested in taking a short reading during this service. While masks are traditionally optional during weekly service, masks will be required on Christmas Eve.. Our church is “OPEN”.. Weekly services are held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
Second Sunday of Advent – December 5, 2021
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent and the lighting of the candle of Peace. Please also join us downstairs in the Rose Room after worship for a light lunch, fellowship and conversation. Christmas Eve service will take place at 5:00 pm on Friday, December 24th, we hope to see you there as we return to this annual tradition. While masks are traditionally optional during weekly service, masks will be required on Christmas Eve.. Our church is “OPEN”.. Weekly services are held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
First Sunday of Advent – November 28
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent and the lighting of the candle of Hope. Our church is “OPEN”.. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC Sunday November 14, 2021
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we honor our Veteran’s and all who served. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
All Saints Sunday
Please join us for our All Saints Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am Remember to turn back clocks before you retire Saturday night, yes, it is that time of year! Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC 10.31.21 – Reformation Sunday
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we unravel the mystery of the Reformation through the 5th Sunday HYMN SING! Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/ NEXT WEEK: All Saints Sunday Observance, November 7th, where we will raise up the name of our deceased loved ones in prayer. Pictures of loved ones are welcome also.
EPUMC 10.24.21
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am with Pastor Nancy Wichmann leading us in prayer. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/ UPCOMING: Don’t miss the Hymn Sing next Sunday, October 31st. All Saints Sunday, November 7th where we will raise up the name of our deceased loved ones in prayer.
EPUMC 10.17.21
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am with Pastor Nancy Wichmann leading us in prayer. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC ~ October 10, 2021
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am with Pastor Nancy Wichmann leading us in prayer. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional. We will also be live via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC 10.3.21 Communion Sunday
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, Communion Sunday, at 10:00 am. we remain “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live/
EPUMC 9.26.21
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am with Pastor Nancy Wichmann leading us in prayer. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC 9.19.21
Please join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am with Pastor Nancy Wichmann leading us in prayer. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/
EPUMC 9.12.2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this special Sunday, 9/12 as we sit in community remembering the tragic events of September 11, 2001. We remain “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live/
EPUMC 9.5.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, Communion Sunday, at 10:00 am. we remain “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live/
EPUMC 8.22.2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, at 10:00 am, The title of this week’s sermon is “To Whom Can We Go?” Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks remain optional and social distancing is encouraged. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link in the right column above “directions”).
East Parish Bulletin 8.15.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, at 10:00 am, The title of this week’s sermon is “No Excuses,” perhaps there will be stories about how the dog at home work and other such tales! Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks remain optional and social distancing is encouraged. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link in the right column above “directions”).
East Parish UMC 8.8.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, at 10:00 am to witness God’s “Works of Art”. Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
Communion Sunday, 8.1.2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, Communion Sunday, at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
7.25.21 Bulletin
EPUMC Bulletin July 25, 2021 We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
July 18, 2021
EPUMC Bulletin July 18, 2021 We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
July 11th, 2021
EPUMC Bulletin July 11, 2021 We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” and celebrating in person though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. For those who are on vacation or wish to watch remotely, the service continues to be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
East Parish UMC Sunday Bulletin — June 27, 2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Communion Sunday at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
June 20 — Father’s Day
We hope you will join us for Worship this Communion Sunday at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. Our guest preacher this week is the Rev. Valerie M. Roberts-Toler. She is a retired elder. She and her husband, the Rev. Printice Roberts-Toler, have been appointed to the United Methodist Churches of Gloucester and Rockport beginning July 1. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
East Parish UMC Sunday Bulletin for June 13, 2021
Join us — in person or online — for worship with our visiting pastor, Rev. MaryJane O’Connor-Ropp. Social distancing rules remain place (and yes, masks are required). We look forward to seeing you!
East Parish Bulletin 6.6.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Communion Sunday at 10:00 am. The service will be held in person at East Parish, with safety protocols in place, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
Trinity Sunday – 5.30.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we explore the mystery of the Trinity. . The service will be held in person at East Parish, with safety protocols in place, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
Pentecost – 5/23/21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we celebrate the birth of the Church. The service will be held in person at East Parish, with safety protocols in place, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
East Parish UMC 5.16.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we gather for the seventh Sunday of Easter. The service will be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
Mother’s Day — May 9, 2021
Join us — in person or online — for worship with our visiting pastor, Rev. MaryJane O’Connor-Ropp. Celebrating our first in-person worship, with social distancing rules in place (and yes, masks required). we look forward to seeing you in person, or if you are not ready for that, we will see you online!
EPUMC Bulletin May 2, 2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we gather for the fifth Sunday of Easter. With great joy, today we celebrate the baptism of Eric Harrison Caouette. The service will be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
East Parish UMC Sunday Bulletin for April 25, 2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we gather for the third Sunday of Easter. The service will be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
East Parish UMC Bulletin for April 18th 2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we gather for the third Sunday of Easter. The service will be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
April 11th – The Second Sunday of Easter
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:00 am as we gather to hear of the story of Thomas’ reaction to the Disciples telling him that they had seen the Lord. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe. The service will be broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
Easter Sunday 4.4.2021
Join us for our Easter Celebration, this Sunday at 10:00 am via Facebook Live.
PALM SUNDAY — March 28, 2021
In the Christian tradition, Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, is the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter, commemorating Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Join us Sunday at 10:00 am via Facebook Live as we celebrate this day!
EPUMC Bulletin July 4, 2021
We hope you will join us for Worship this Communion Sunday at 10:00 am. Our church is currently “OPEN” though we are following CDC and State guidelines. Masks are optional. The service will be held in person at East Parish, following CDC and state guidelines, masks are optional, and broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishsalisbury/
East Parish UMC Bulletin 1.9.21
We hope you will join us for Worship this Sunday, January 9th at 10:00 am. We have returned to masks and distancing during the near future, until Covid infection rates decrease. Additionally, we have suspended our after worship fellowship hour for the foreseeable future. You can also join us “live” via broadcast on Facebook Live (link below). https://www.facebook.com/eastparishumcinsalisbury/

Rev. Nancy Wichmann
Rev. Wichmann was born in Wareham, MA but moved around a lot, first as an Army… (more)