Summer Cookout
Summer Days
Blessing of the Pets 2022
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Fall Ladies Tea
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Treats at the Ladies Fall Tea
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Pastor Milka Gonzalez
I’m Pastor Milka Gonzalez. I was born in the Dominican Republic, and I am a naturalized U.S. citizen. I graduated with a bachelor degree in Business from Nichols College. At this moment, I’m in my second year of Master of Divinity studies at Boston University. Receiving Christ has been my greatest accomplishment in life. In Jesus I have found a friend, guide, love, hope, structure, and reconciliation with the Creator. Thus, what I have received by grace, by grace I share.
In my journey as a Christian, I have served as an administrative leader, facilitator of Bible studies, and missionary, serving various churches, including Jesus Life Center in Worcester MA, and Oasis Ministry in Southbridge MA. I have also served on various boards and committees, and I have been trained as a spiritual director. If you need someone to listen to you with mercy, compassion, and love, I am here to serve you in the love of Jesus!
In my leisure time, I find myself in nature, enjoying sports, movies, books and spending time with my family, friends, and enjoying food of course. I believe that life is good, short and beautiful. I’m married to Pastor Benjamin Daggett, and I have two young adult children Carlos and Karlene Suncar.
I look forward to meeting you all, to hearing your stories, and to becoming part of the Salisbury community. Please feel free to call me or email me to sit for coffee or tea.